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Founder Mode Is Actually Design Mode

Paul Graham, of Y Combinator notoriety, made waves this week with his latest essay. In some ways, it felt like we were back in the early 2010s when blogging was still a thing. The short essay, “Founder Mode,” introduced Graham’s theory on what sets certain companies apart from others. The theory itself was bare bones, which Graham admitted was partially due to the lack of existing research on the topic…

Our Memories Are Under Attack

Last week, Procreate, a popular art studio app for iPad, made waves by declaring it was not going to introduce any generative AI into its products. According to James Cuda, Procreate’s CEO and co-founder, the decision amounted to being “on the right path supporting human creativity.” The stance stood in stark contrast to what we have seen from Big Tech. We are witnessing a broader conflict surrounding the positioning of technology against…

How Google Lost Its Antitrust Case to the U.S.

For the second time in eight months, Google lost an antitrust case in the U.S. Following the December 2023 loss to Epic Games, which was more embarrassing than anything for Google, the search giant gave the U.S. government its first antitrust win as part of its anti-Big Tech crusade. 

Google had a thin line to walk in going up against the U.S. government. The company needed to talk up its search acumen…

Something Is Wrong With Amazon

At least based on the most recent quarterly earnings report, Amazon appears to be doing fine. People are buying more goods through Prime, the company’s digital advertising business contains plenty of promise, and AWS has no obvious flaws. However, a few things about Amazon have turned unsettling to me. Amazon’s retail customer service has become downright atrocious while its Alexa ecosystem of devices is proving to be more of a hindrance than…

Big Tech Should Be Spending Big on AI

As I am one of the more outspoken critics of generative AI mania, the following statement may come as a surprise: It is OK that Big Tech is pouring huge amounts of cash into AI-focused capex. I would go so far as to say that Big Tech is doing the right thing. While Wall Street and Silicon Valley are still grappling with how generative AI will be used by the masses, the…

Magic Leap’s Last Leap

The writing is on Magic Leap’s wall. The company that captured the hearts and minds of journalists and VCs in the 2010s is on its last legs. If the company is not able to become a components supplier for more capable companies dabbling in spatial computing, we are likely seeing Magic Leap’s final chapter being written.

Magic Leap’s slow but steady slide into irrelevance is on one level predictable. A company void…

Nike’s Complacency

For those with an interest in business and branding, Nike is one of the more intriguing stories to follow in 2024. It’s an iconic brand with decades of experience left reeling by a marketplace penalizing complacency. Two weeks ago, Nike experienced its worst day on Wall Street with shares falling 20% and now trading at the same level as they were in 2018. Looking under the hood, Nike has become a show-me…

Big Tech Is Winning Over Wall Street

While Wall Street remains fully engrossed by NVIDIA, there is a story to be told that is flying under the radar. With several key macro headwinds now in the rearview mirror, Wall Street has turned decidedly more optimistic on Big Tech (a bucket that I have long defined as including Apple, Alphabet, Meta, Amazon, Microsoft). Big Tech as a group is up 28% in 2024 while the S&P 500 is up 15%.

The NBA’s Spectacular Win

Live sports are in a weird place. Through a certain lens, sports look to be performing amazingly well. Stadiums are packed, and admission pricing is moving higher. The content has become a lifeline for cable and increasingly paid video streaming. And yet, through a different lens, there is reason to be worried about live sports’ future as younger generations have trouble connecting with the entertainment. The debate as to which scenario deserves…

The Windows Brigade’s Last Stand

The Windows gang is back at it, or so we are led to believe. Over the past few weeks, Microsoft and partners have tried to put together a coherent plan to win back mind and market share from the Mac. I am left unimpressed with both their attempt and odds of success. The reality is, we are likely seeing the Window brigade’s last stand in trying to go up against the Mac.

The Paid Video Renaissance Is Maturing

We still find ourselves in a paid video streaming renaissance. A significant amount of high-quality scripted content is available at our fingertips without the need for complicated contracts and subscriptions. However, it increasingly doesn’t feel like we are still in the golden age of streaming. The parade of sizeable price increases, combined with streamers leaning on tried-and-tested practices from the big cable bundle era, have removed some of the magic from the…